Monday, April 4, 2011

The Nordic "Hell"

We discussed in class that those who died honorably in battle their souls would be collected by either the Valkyries or the great Odin and taken to Valhalla which could easily be considered the Norse heaven; consequently, we were encouraged to look into where the sinners of this culture were doomed to reside. In general they viewed dying as a promotion for the well-being of the tribe, even as a form of sacrifice, and heroes' souls were well rewarded. Those who died a mundane death of old age, their souls were sent to Hel/Helheim for it was believed that they were cowards for not having died honorably in battle. The Nordic Hel wasn't considered punishment like today's conception of the underworld is however, it was a place just as mundane and boring as the souls who reside there lived their life and died. It was also considered "hell" to the norse at the time because no loyalty to a tribe existed in Helheim, and self-sufficiency without the fellowship of a tribe was considered torture.
Another realm called Niflheim was an icy wasteland full of predators, enemies, and danger around every corner; like in the Aesir, one could not die there so only suffering was in store for those who happened to be so lucky. They also believed in resurrection at any time, one could either be reborn in midgard once again, or they could be reborn in Odin's hall.

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